Fire Already Kindled
Mt. St. Helens 1980 Identifies the beginning of the seventh week spoken of in Daniel
Have you ever really thought about the actual depth of the 26th verse in the Bible? “Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. KJV”. Who was He talking to??? God was talking to us. We are already countless years old. You can learn about the downfall and the war that was started there in Ezekiel 28. How bad mush it have gotten in the that eon to force God to have us pass through a woman’s womb or in other words born of water as mentioned in John 3:5. The Spirit is what we are working on now. (Can you imagine basically immortal endless fighting.)
God was forced into having to make a choice. 1/3rd of His children were hot to follow satan. 1/3rd of His children were cold and seen what was happening and did not care and let it happen. 1/3rd was neither hot nor cold and just wanted to be left alone with their head in the sand. Leaving only a small number of His children actually fighting for Him. These are already saved and several actually volunteered to go through the water; so, they could work for God here and now, they are referred to as His Election. God decided to destroy that eon instead of destroying His own children. He started this eon having us pass through the water completely innocent without any memory of the previous age. That is why you are involved in your own judgement, judging yourself from who you were before. Of course God has the ultimate say. The end of the 1st period of time is clearly spoken of in 2 Peter 3:6-7; this is not Noah’s flood; it was long before and absolute destruction. There was no ark to save anyone or anything. I would bring up the example of how hard it would be to kill your own child… But apparently, I can only use myself as an example. Because killing your own children is something our grotesquely perverted society teaches and conditions our children to except from our own Godless babylonian system designed by satan itself. As far as myself I wouldn’t be capable of even having that though as long as I live.
At the very least this explanation should help those that have trouble understanding the Holy Trinity. Because, God included Himself; meaning He had to pass through the womb and go through this just as we must. His name is Jesus. Only He did it perfect as our Example and Savior.
Notice how desperately fast our new Illegitimate product of a successful coup from domestic enemies within the puppet of iniquity president tries to heel the deadly wound caused by the Legitimate President of the United States of America to the Great Harlot)!!!
We have made a mockery and defiled the spirits of our founding Fathers and every Soldier of the United States of America that had died fighting tyranny and oppression, by surrendering our nation to the enemy without a fight. Welcome to The New Dark Ages Guarantied to be The Darkest Ages in World History. The United States of America now gets to experience the loss of God’s Blessing and the beginning of Sorrows. Let us get ready for the bringer of taxes. We’re getting closer to the end; Yay!!!
Unfortunately, the majority of people in the flesh today are fools that would prefer to believe a lie 2 Thessalonians 2:11 instead of the truth, even if they actually know the truth if they prefer the lie; there is nothing we can do for them. They are lost to us. That includes pretty much everyone from the so called modern christian teachings as well as a product of the modern public school indoctrination system. Those that never had a chances can still make the eternity, if they can discipline themselves enough during the LORDS Day before the judgement. Trying to correct someone like that is working against GOD. God forbid. On the other hand, we can help those that never heard the truth or don’t understand the times as it relates to prophecy today and are not comfortable with the lies they were taught to believe.
The Constitution of the United States of America is useless if it cannot be upheld. The judiciary is supposed to guaranty the laws coming out of the legislature are constitutional and the legislature is supposed to impeach judges that do not correctly interpret the constitution. It is called checks and balances; it used to be something public schools used to teach back when I went to elementary school. Our legal system has been compromised and is completely meaningless and useless in their role in the federal government. Our legal system has been compromised and is completely meaningless and useless in their role in the federal government. Should I repeat it again??? America has become a lawless Godless 4th world country ruled by self-proclaimed demigods. There is no-longer a United States of America as it was founded and was supposed to be. Without any constitution or law to govern we now have our own dictator in charge. Dictator biden is not undoing the Trump agenda he is destroying our middle class. Venezuela was an experiment in how to destroy our government and implement the one world order and was not kept a secret from anyone.
You broke my heart… We all of us disobedient so-called Christians are responsible for the loss of this Great Country. We allowed satanic fools brainwash our children for decades! God even gave us a special woe in Isiah 5:8-8 to watch those that dwell in the cities ; where Godless evil breads the strongest.
It’s our fault, Christians have effectively allowed satin and his willing and unwilling minions to drive God out of the last Christian stronghold in the world, the United States of America; Despite Gods repeated over and over warnings!!! I started this site so as to spread understanding given by God to myself for others. This is my way of not hiding the light. I apologize for grammatical errors in advance, I am not a professional writer. My concern at the time I started this was for those that were sealed with slumber; it has been made apparent to me that there is nothing to worry about concerning working against God in this manor, because someone sealed with slumber cannot understand what I’m talking about and I will simply be dismissed as a nut. My goal is to awaken God’s Chosen and show them what time it is getting close to. I have no interest in teaching whatsoever, as we transition from the 5th trump (the time of teaching) into the sixth (the time satin is here de-facto the one that heals the deadly wound). I wish I could spend more time on this website as I would love to share everything given to me. Unfortunately, I only seem to get a few hours a month for this. Maybe I’m not supposed to put things like this out there until after… Or maybe I’m only supposed to add nuggets a bit at a time. I’m still working through the details and am outside my normal comfort zone. Eventually this website will not look like a continuous blog screen. I’m still learning as I go along. Please be patient with unprofessionalism. (But I digress.)
However, I will always do my best to answer questions. It is your responsibility to search for understanding from Gods word yourselves if you want to live in the eternity. I plan to have my research notes and resources available on this site soon (God Willing of Course). I often wonder am I the only one on the planet that knows Trumps America First philosophy is absolutely without any doubt a part of the deadly wound to the one world governmental beast spoken of in Revelation 13. Evil men have been working tirelessly for decades to establish the Babylonian one world order. Trump and his family have been fighting Babylon relentlessly seemingly completely on their own as we should have since the beginning; all others in his camp mostly seem to be nothing but judases, loyal servants of Babylon the one world political order AKA the swamp. The political beast is fighting for world power beyond that of any given country. That is why it is said who could war after the beast in Revelation 13: 4 That is why Mother Babylon has reared her vile head and her flood of lying deceit has been flowing for all to see in plane sight; look to our own childish imprudent leaders and the media, there is no truth only lust and wicked desires in them. The worldly leaders of this current governmental beast system will be replaced with satan’s supernatural generals after the sixth trump sounds and they heel the deadly wound and finally establish the one world government.
She knows her time is getting very short. If you do not know what I’m talking about you are currently fatally biblically illiterate. Not to fear though, those that didn’t get a chance to hear the actual truth from God’s Word and those that were sealed with slumber will have their opportunity during the Lords day. Good riddance to all others. This website is not being authored for them. Are you a God supporting Christian? Did you celebrate Christmas by supporting satan in any way? If you said yes you are the enemy. Wake-up, repent and get busy!
God told us he hated Esau before his birth in the flesh, because of his role in causing us to have to pass through this eon of time where we are being tested with life in the flesh which is nothing but a dull shadow of truly being alive as those that pass over into the eternity, we call it being supernatural. You can read how Esau despised his birthright in Genesis, just as he did then. If you cannot discipline yourselves from the lustful desires of the flesh you will more than likely not live beyond judgment day. With that said: the only lives that matter in the flesh are those that will be alive in the eternity. Imagine standing before God and ultimately loose your eternal life because brief perverted sexual relief or love of money were more important to you at the time of testing. Wouldn’t it be better to be celibate and broke???
God loves all His children and would have them all come to repentance; if you are a Christian you know this to be true. All Christians are watching for the signs that will identify the two trumps left to sound before the return of our LORD and SAVIOR. Wouldn’t it make sense that the person that would make the great harlot Babylon show her vile head be named Trump… God will not give you an excuse for your failure. Fortunately, for them God is the Judge; I can assure you I despise all who would work to remove GOD from HIS creation and I personally would not want any of them in the eternity.
Marxist, Fascist and Nazi’s and any other anti-Christ organization of any name always count on the ignorance of the populous of every country they have taken God out of. That is why the first thing satan goes after is the education system. Because the victimized uneducated mind can be manipulated much easier to go against their own wellbeing and every aspect concerning their future securities; including the blind destruction of their own children’s futures as well. These groups like anti-Father and now the newest Marxist on the block black lives’ matter will not stop until the righteous stop them. Jesus described this in one place as blind leading the blind Mathew 15:13-14 . They eat their own. A perfect example of the evil I am talking about is when you see a person wearing black lives matter clothing while destroying another black man’s livelihood and taking another black man’s his employees’ life. I would have to logically conclude that, Society as a whole would have been much better served, if in-fact that man was murdered by his mother as an abortion that he promotes.
This website is being started not to educate but to attempt to wake those that know the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is real and that Jesus is His Christ (His election and the kings of the ethnos/Nations) and would like to see scripture tied to what is happening in this world today; including politics, education and overall societal issues today and from now until His return (God willing). I will point out how antichrist have taken control of the four horns of power used to control us. NOTE: At the time of editing this draft for the launch of this website 01/08/2020 Iran launched missiles towards U.S. bases in Iraq… What I find more interesting and to my point is that Iran had an earthquake. Coincident? Do you have eyes to see? This essay/rant is being written by an ordinary person, I guess I would be considered by the ruling elitist as one of the swamp’s (dictatorial Administrative State) deplorables.
We are at this time in the longest span of peace and prosperity I have seen in my lifetime; so why do I as many others, feel the most apprehension I have ever felt in my life? Maybe it is from the daily endless hateful propaganda machine we’ve allowed are no-account media to become or maybe it is because of our dysfunctional childish representatives in congress. If they make me apprehensive, what effect does this endless barrage of fearmongering, racism and hate pushed to destroy our wellbeing by our own media and our representatives (enemies within) do to our children??? That was a rhetorical question look primarily to the cities, the answers to that question is obvious.
We the USA a country where our national motto is “In God We Trust” are in a semi-cold civil war and it is our fault for not listening to God and diligently doing His work! The satanically influenced modern progressives that embrace the Nazi’s and Stalin’s ideologies under satan’s control are trying to make it full on hot. Has anyone ever wondered or tried to understand what God thinks about issues today? God’s letter to us Christians, should be the filter utilized in the mental sorting process for all we see and hear each and every day. We must keep GOD as our first thought in every thought.
I would never presume to speak for God as many others do. God is quite capable of speaking for Himself and has foretold all things. If you ever doubted that God is real, I would direct you to Isaiah 3:4-5; This undeniably prophecy is being fulfilled in plain sight for all to see now today. It states your leaders in the end times will have the minds and maturity of small children. No-one can deny our rulers today are mentally no more and behave worse than little undisciplined spoiled children fighting in the sand box. Currently our socialist satanically influenced lawless Congress currently governed by an empress, is the worst enemy of the people in the USA and I would add to the world today. Listening to them (our Congress) they keep referencing our democracy, maybe they should read the pledge of allegiance??? I do not even believe most of them realize we are not a democracy. We are a republic we are not a democracy i.e., mob rule.
This is in plain sight today, look at how our youth work to destroy God and themselves by embracing socialism and the new world religion the climate change hoax. Man does not come anywhere near the amount of C02 put into the atmosphere daily as the earth naturally does. People are naturally fickle and lazy, just like water flowing down the path of the least resistance. Ronald Reagan warned us about this. They are trained to embrace the bold lie that free market capitalism aka free market economics is the worst evil economical system of the world??? This system is why we have a middle class. If it wasn’t for Capitalism we would be as the rest of the world with a ruling elite class and the lowly poor working class, no in-between. Free market capitalism is the only system in the world that must cater to all the people in-order to survive; it WORKS so well it took a young country consisting of a handful of 13 colonies and turned it into the worlds superest power in less than 200 years. If Our children are being taught that our republic is a failed experiment; how dumb or wicked must our teachers be to call a government that has proven itself by turning a handful of Christian colonies into a super world power in less than 200 years a failed experiment?
Let’s review how satan influences and controls the world. The devil utilizes the powers of Politics, Economics, Education and last but certainly not least Religion. America deserves a free and fair government, a solid dependable blessed economy, schools free from satanically influenced ideologs, and religious freedom without fear of persecution. All of these God given rights and freedoms are currently in danger. Our forefathers have died in many many wars to establish and protect those rights that are under attack and being made a mockery today.
Also, unlike what you are probably getting used to from these unwise unawares workers of evil the majority of the people running our government, indoctrination centers, media and so on; I will always back up any and all claims or observations with data and scripture. My opinions or my interpretations will be easily recognized along with the reasoning used to generate my conclusions. I have always wondered if people can be educated beyond their mental capabilities? We’ll explore that question later.
Let’s look and see if we can point out how satan’s influences are running out of control and unchecked today from God’s letter written individually to us all. It used to be as a philosophically intellectual would say “I think therefore I am” now it seems, If I can imagine it therefore it must be???
This essay/rant is being written only to Christians that know God is real and have eyes to see prophecy unfold as foretold and ears to hear the truth from God. Unlike those that hate God and work to destroy Him from all aspects of our lives, these are the spiritually dead and are in danger of the second death. satan is at this time the prince of the earth today. That is why God is under constant attack from the satanic influences that are running amuck in this evil absurd politically correct willfully ignorant and lazy world of today. It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God Mathew 4:4. We are currently in the famine of the end times, as stated in GOD’s letter written to us all the famine is for the truth from God not food. Churches are moving further and further from the true teachings from God’s letter written to all of us. Example: I was fired from BMC for not denying my religious rights as a Christian and not renouncing my LORD and for standing up for Christians by reminding Christians to keep the Spirit of the Lord in Christmas. And, as I was talking to a self-stated devout Christian recruiter, while I was looking for another job; he started quoting what I thought was supposed to be scripture… I said to him, I’m not familiar with that scripture and he stated no it is in the song. I didn’t know how to respond to him quoting song lyrics as scripture. It definitely put an explanation point on the apostasy.