Marxist, Fascist and Nazi’s always count on the ignorance of the populous of every country they have taken God out of. That is why the first thing satan goes after is the education system. Because only the simplest most uneducated mind can be manipulated to go against themselves and every aspect concerning their future; including the blind destruction of their own children’s future as well. These groups like anti-Father and now the newest Marxist on the block Black lives’ matter will not stop until the righteous stop them. Jesus described this in one place as blind leading the blind Mathew 15:13-14. A perfect example of the evil I am talking about is when you see a person wearing black lives matter while destroying another black man’s livelihood and taking another black man’s life. How can that man’s life matter in the slightest??? Society as a whole would be much better off, if in-fact that man was murdered by his mother as an abortion that he promotes or had not been born never existing at all.
I am trying to showcase the satanic absurdly politically correct WOKE movement and the new religion taught in school known as CLIMATE CHANGE. I would like to get a book scanner so I can attach my entire biblical library and other reference works; so, others can study in depth using the resources I’ve collected over the years. I would also like to have another section for answers to questions from God’s letter He had written to us all. An example of the types of questions and answers page would be for questions such as “When according to the bible does life begin?” and such; Also, another section devoted to broken down studies of books from the bible.
We have entered a modern equivalent to the Dark Ages; where modern science has been stifled and reduced to the consensus of the mob; and if you do not agree with the ignorant multitude than you will be labeled as a heretic for denying their new religion and burned at the stake. If you want to fix gun violence in the schools you must address the cause. College professors conditioning our youth to be miserable socialist with nothing to hope for and without God they only have a dark desolate future. They are taught they are less than and nothing more than soulless animals without any hope of the afterlife. Historically, this dumbing down and brainwashing happens whenever the ruling elite want to increase power and tighten their grip on the lowly subservient worker class of the elitist. We are perceived as nothing but a means to their ends and we are as meaningless to them as being no more of a thought then as if they need to change a tire on their car or any-other defective part of their satanic system.
Children are not born being racist. Systemic hatred of the adamic race can only be taught in the government ran indoctrination centers controlled by evil Godless fools. The proof is adamic children coming out of these indoctrination centers hating their own race. So, if they are correct when they make the statement America is a systemically racist country; this begs the question. How or why would adamic parents teach their own children to hate themselves and destroy their own heritage and wellbeing in themselves and their children’s future?
Brainwashing and conditioning of the minds of our youth start the day of birth. Do parents today hate their own children? Parents, watch the cartoons and garbage on your phones that you put in front of your children as a modern-day babysitter. Are children are immediately targeted by the satanically influenced ideologs. They directly target them with ridiculous unending evil designed to retard the development of the brain and to question their sexual orientation (I’m talking toddlers with nasty perversion in their face!). Christians with eyes to see and ears to hear cannot deny our children and all that is good and true are under relentless attack by evil forces, that are too stupid to realize they are working for the devil himself.
History will show; This is another time were the ruling intellectually elite symbolically burn witches (those that believe in real empirical science) at the stake as they used to do in this country when foolish superstition and emotion ruled over fact and intellect. You must understand you are thought of by these elitists as incapable of comprehending or understanding their vast intellect. Therefore, it is their responsibility to decide what is in your best interest; these truly wicked, blind and ignorant “WOKE” people feel it is their responsibility to govern and they must control all of us dregs for our own good. Here come the thought police attempting to change or remove the 1st amendment as they have already done on many of our campuses.
Stupid cannot be fixed, ignorance can be. If you are incapable of making a decision based on fact and empirical data, but instead base all your decisions on your feelings or ideologies you have identified yourself as a truly imbecilic person. You simple are incapable and certainly are not qualified to make decisions that affect the lives of others. I have no interest in trying to cure stupid and by no means am I proclaiming to be smart. I just want to point it out for those that know something is terribly wrong here.
We’ve all heard it said those that cannot do teach. Meaning a lot of our teacher are too nonsensical to apply the knowledge they learned in a realistic practical manor. Example: We’ve seen and heard from four of the top law professors in our country during the impeachment charade; three of the four were nothing but emotionally driven propagandist working for satan or hate (same thing) not educators. Educators deal in facts despite their emotional state. If they were honest there wouldn’t be any emotion in their explanations and it would be impossible for them to disagree to the unproportionate way they have. They cannot figure 1+1 always equals 2. Our children and values are under constant attack from evil forces that seem so innocent working in the shadows. Get back in line with the LORD, stop pretending everything is okay and start listening to God and doing His work. The Word was written for each of us as individuals; it is our responsibility to make an individual effort to seek after and understand our LORD. We cannot rely on any one man to give us the truth. Men make mistakes God doesn’t. If you do rely solely on a man to tell you what God expects, how can you know if your being deceived or mislead; even if those teaching are well meaning and trusted.
Why is Time Magazine a political progressive socialist magazine allowed to name an abused handy caped child, person of the year. Doesn’t this make them complacent in her child abuse case. Isn’t it a crime to torcher a handy capped child, by making her believe she has no future other than death within the next decade or so? Leaving her with PTSD.
Now these evil people are using her to try and make the rest of us believe we have no future and our children will be dead before they can start their lives. These people are horribly cruel and evil to the core. I do not have to wonder what is going to happen in approximately ten years when we are still here without the world ending. They will just come up with something new in-order to terrorize and torment our children again, because there is no accountability and they know no other way to keep us under control. They will always come up with another end of world scam, remember the hole in the ozone. The world has been ending for one reason or another every ten years since I’ve been alive.
Notice the devil’s influence, satan only needs to influence those people others trust and blindly follow. Our schools under the control of anti-Christs running unobstructed are training children to be lazy and cheat lie and still to get ahead. They say trust us; it is too much effort to check things out for yourselves (lazy). They are trying to stop the critical development of the brain by not challenging our youngest children to think. In fact, critical thought in their world is a bad thing. If they are taught to think for themselves and receive a good well-rounded education, they will figure out what is going on. However, they promote day dreams and imagined fantasy as critical thought. Muscle and neurons only get strong with challenges that tax them to the limit; today they say we cannot do that it may cause undue stress and the spoiled poor babies might not be able to handle it.
We are currently looking at poof of my theory. My theory is people shouldn’t be educated beyond their intelligence level. Because some brains are not capable of processing information but up to a certain point. Leaving their struggling minds to tap into the subconscious in order to try and process it. Example: the butterfly effect. What we are seeing today is the results of truly stupid people that have become over educated. Their slow stupid intellect cannot process the amount of information they have been taught. Meaning they are not smart enough to correctly process or apply what they learned properly. This is dangerous.
Most teachers simply cannot get a job and use their new learned skills in a practical productive way; for this reason, they never leave school and show how stupid they really are. Example: at the time of this writing the socialist/Progressive democrats just proved my theory by bringing in some law professors from our topped ranked obviously failing schools that apparently cannot read a phone call transcript and still think Adam Schiff’s parody phone call is what our president said. If they were honest educators it shouldn’t have been possible for them to not have the same understanding of what they are talking about.
Just as our unaccountable teachers are destroying our future. It is easy and simple to locate the wicked running our schools; if the student come out of a North American school thinking socialism is good, climate change is the worse existential threat man has ever faced and questioning their sexual orientation, you have identified a satanically influenced institution/indoctrination center working to destroy God and good from the entire world (new world order). These indoctrination centers and the parents sending them there are guilty of child abuse if not downright child cruelty. Our children shouldn’t be taught lies that make them think the world is going to end in a short time. They are leaving these nasty institutions with PTSD. I do not believe there are any public schools left in this country that actually teach children to analyze facts utilizing critical though and making an intelligent education conclusion on their own and learn to recognize and control their feelings. Rote memorization is not learning it is cheating. So now they are teaching our children to lie cheat and still to get what they are after. They have all been turned into indoctrination centers. We are in a terrible time in history and our society has become as bad if not worse than it was when Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed for vulgar perversion.
I have heard it said that Americans have a habit of promoting people to their point of incompetence. Wouldn’t it be nice if schools would do their job and find this level of incompetence while they child is in school and not push it off to the employer? Shouldn’t the employer have a legitimate lawsuit against the failing school?
With this show trial being allowed to continue, leaves me believing that they are successful in dumbing down our populous. Only the most complete sort of idiot or someone with absolutely no self-esteem would take someone’s analysis over their own. Our congress has been infiltrated and is being controlled by the wicked socialist/communist our fathers and grandfathers worked tirelessly around the world to destroy so we could live free in the pursuit life, liberty and happiness. These socialist representatives in control of our congress are working to destroy our government and blame those that adhere to our constitution as in violation. Honestly, those that believe the non-sense they feed us should not be allowed to vote. How can those people that must have others complete their thoughts and simply cannot lead themselves choose their leaders?
They have removed critical thinking and the study of honest history from our schools. They do this in-order to make it easier to have power over and control the future sheep (our CHILDREN) indoctrinated and brainwashed; becoming nothing more than mindless obedient minions that are conditioned to even to question their gender. They are taught to embrace socialism (communisms little brother) and to hate God and treat Him as some sort of fairytale. This disease is really rampaging throughout our cities. God warned us about building house onto house and how a little satanic leaven contaminates the whole loaf.
If you are a Caucasian heterosexual you are hated by most the satanically influenced racist endeavoring to take over this free God reverencing nation. Our children are being brainwashed by these hateful satanically influenced fools into believing only white people are able to be racist??? In fact, they are the racist; they only accuse others of their crimes. Reason being you are too stupid to understand the pot calling the kettle black. Unfortunately, these people are so vapid that they believe they are smart and wallow in their own narcissistic intellect. No one can convince them that they are no smarter than the rest of us. Because they conditioned to not listen to intelligent logical thought out arguments as being not worthy if not coming from their WOKE teachers. Try talking to one of them about something real or important. It is like trying to talk to some sort of alien that cannot speak our language or an inanimate object. They cannot comprehend simple common sense because it eludes them completely. They are not capable of the understanding the fact that they work for the devil himself. I had to be around 30 years old before I realized God given common sense is not common. What about the smart children that get caught in these indoctrination centers?
Our children have been dumbed down to the point that they cannot tell fact from fiction they think movies are real and the stupidest absurd movie stars and athletes have become their teachers forming their developing intellect; Waterworld is a fictious movie it is simply physically not a possibility. Global warming would open up more real estate, allowing those that water creeps up on more land to move to. Also, please take note: the ice in your drink over the top of the rim of the glass doesn’t overflow when the ice melts. Critical thought and problem solving are trained and browbeaten out of those with these naturel abilities (shepherds) and with God removed from our society only satanic influences are left to run amok and unchecked to fill the void. Empirical Evidence not flawed ideology must be used for government policies. Keep in mind that the meaning anti as used in the bible means instead of, not as we would use it in modern speech today. Today the meaning is primarily used as a direct opposite to cancel one another. Antichrist are anyone that tries to replaces the Lord’s teachings with their own or convolute any part thereof. In other words, trying to replace what He taught or change the meaning of what He taught. satan comes in peacefully and prosperously to be accepted as the real Savior, instead of the one and only Lamb of God.
Our educational institutions have been reduced to brain washing indoctrination facilities. They work to intentionally dumb down our society, destroy heterosexuality and independent critical thought. Critical thought dismisses arguments without substance. However, psychology 101 repeat a lie often enough and the weak-minded will begin to believe it. A good example today would be to turn on the news and listen to all the unsubstantiated non-sense being thrown at us. They continue with their unsubstantiated lies on a non-stop loop because they are too stupid to realize we are not as stupid as they think we are. Most modern government-controlled schools no longer produce shepherds and work to destroy common sense and decency. They are working tirelessly and their mission is to destroy our God and our Christian country. Our schools have become one of the biggest enemies to the future of the United States of America!
It would seem schools are now teaching the truly stupid and simple-minded, big words and how to mix them in-order to sound smart without making any actual sense. Example: I read an article from a babbling idiot titled “Trump lied 84 times” … or something like that. I forced myself to read the entire long-winded rant of babblings authored by an extreme narcissist, expecting to find 84 examples of his lies. Anyhow, I couldn’t find one lie cited or any accusation backed up in the article at all. All I gleaned from the ridiculous void babbling were, worship me I have a god complex, I sound smart because I know how to use big words without making any statements of substance or truth. Unfortunately, to my chagrin there was a post liking it from a college student; he simply fell for the brilliantly sounding empty idiots’ babbling??? Blind leading the blind.