Quick facts: Joe Biden has been touted as the faith leader for the democratic party by the DNC. Joe Biden refers to his god as “the thing you know the thing man”. Joe Biden is an advocate pushing the satanic premeditated murder of unborn children as birth control!
Joe Biden administration is a successful coup against GOD and all that is good!!! They were bold and decided they didn’t even need to hide it because the populous has been dumbed down to the point that they cannot even except truth obvious in their face and “we own the judges; so throw your fit an eat it, because there is nothing you can do about it.”
A perfect example of stupid is as stupid does is when Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, stated he must vote his conscious for an unprecedented unconstitutional impeachment hearing of a private citizen (that holds no public office to be removed from), because the prosecution made a better video presentation!!! How stupid would someone have to be to vote for such a vacuous minded man???
Currently, satan’s worst most destructive workers of iniquity is our own government and our judiciary. They work tirelessly working to drive God from the entire world and destroy our country as the last Christian stronghold existing in this wicked world. He satan, has evil judges in the USA that do not interpret our laws; but in fact, interpret fictitious laws that actually do not exist by understanding law not as written but in-fact as they think it should have been written. How arrogant and narcissistic must these fools be to dismiss our founding fathers as being too stupid to write our laws and decide they should have been written in another way changing the meaning completely! Once elevated to this position apparently all accountability and competence in their task is of none-effect??? They are free to replace God in their lives with themselves, because there is no one or anything else they are accountable too. That is how the evil justices came to the determination that babies our not human children and can freely be destroyed as unwanted vermin. Fortunately for us God is the judge these wicked simple minds that believe they are gods will more than likely not be allowed in the eternity.
The decision from the evil justices on the supreme court decided a human life is less important than a good perverted time or money. God is the Judge and I am certain He will hold them accountable on Judgement Day, for all those accountable for more murder of our own children than ever in history. God said, the thought of murdering our own children for personal fleeting pleasure and personal mammon gain never entered His mind, Jeremiah 32:35. These evil nasty decrepit souls that make up our judiciary and our congress are tireless in their efforts to remove God and the last religious strong hold in the World. If your spiritual being isn’t strong enough to overcome the desires of the fleshly being; how can you expect to live in the eternity with the righteous?
An excellent example of pure pass the buck evil influenced judges was when the PA supreme Court said they couldn’t hear a case because it wasn’t filed after the law was passed. How can that level of pure incompetent stupid come out of a court designed to ensure the constitutionality of the all laws coming out of the states legislature. Is there a time limit law in PA??? That states if no one complains before it is implemented it is legal. Sorry but that isn’t even ignorance it is pure evil coming from them and it is beyond stupid incompetence for those that would even give stupid on that scale any credibility.
The controversy between God and satan has at the very least proven that man is incapable of governing themselves without Him. Mankind is weak, fickle, money and power hunger. It seems as though our entire congress especially democratic leaders today hate our GOD, country and all the USA used to stand for. Why is there no accountability for those that take an oath to uphold and enforce our constitution at the same time as they trample and make a mockery of it? How can they uphold and enforce something they obviously have never even read or simply cannot comprehend and are completely ignorant of the meaning or intentionally pervert the content thereof?
If you ever wondered how low and stupid you are to the ruling elite; I would have you look to the fairytale impeachment hearing they have put us through (babylon). Maybe they are right about how their efforts have succeeded in intentionally making our society intellectually void and emotionally driven, being it seems this is what our society has become. Obviously, they seem to have been successful in the majority of our cities. They have turned them into corals of predators. Point being if power were to go out in the cities for not even an extended period of time would the citizen’s work to help and support one another with love, kindness and a desire to help others or would it be more like only the strong will survive as soulless animals (like the movie the Purge)? Remember that electricity is fairly new to the cities.
God warned us about building house onto house; it helps promote the spread of diseases, allowing them to become epidemics, debilitating illnesses that destroy eternal life like all sorts of perversion, homosexuality and group think. Emotions are great when controlled by discipline and intellect. We are to use are intellect of the soul to rise above base fleshly desire. Why risk your eternal existence for fleeting fleshly controlled desires. When I was in school, I would think to myself is this ever going to end… Now that I’m older I wish I could go back and do things differently. The same can be said about our brief time on the Earth in the flesh. It will be the same when we are in the Lord’s day when we look back to this time now.
I remember hearing quite a while back, in an interview with a famous or infamous Ishmaelite Imam. Keep this in mind, Ishmael had twelve sons just as Jacob; their rock is not our Rock. He said, as I am paraphrasing, “we are patient and the USA is young…” I took that to mean that they will work to destroy us from within. That is one of satan’s M.Os. The ways that they will do this is easy, with our really ignorant laws allowing a person to illegally enter the country and give birth to a child; and now that child that was illegally brought to the United States of America is now a citizen of the greatest country the world has ever seen. Then they take them back to an enemy country and condition them from birth to infiltrate our government or media as an enemy within. I’ve always thought Barack Saddam Hussein Obama bin Laden was a sleeper cell president. (I believe I’ve heard he was born on the boat before he reached Hawaii, but that still didn’t stop them.) I wonder how many of these have infiltrated our government and media, working to destroy us from within?
Ignorant evil has put over educated narcissistic unwise or just outright evil criminals in charge that do not seem to even know what government they are a part of, nor do they understand the constitution that they have sworn an oath to defend and uphold. However, the most important and critical step that must be taken in-order to restore the integrity of our governing bodies; would be to make it illegal to earn or generate any profit or gains from serving in office above the salary for the position they have been elected to fulfill in their service of office.
I have been listening to people for years saying that congress needs to implement term limits in-order to help control the corruption problem that exist in our governmental representatives. I would argue that term limits would not do anything in controlling corruption. In fact, I think it would make it worse, by forcing them to be more aggressive in their corrupt agenda to pocket as much money as possible in their shortened terms.
Currently our socialist satanically influenced lawless Congress governed by an empress, is one of the worst enemies of the people in the USA and I would add to the world today. Listening to them (our House of Representatives) they keep referencing our democracy, maybe they should read the pledge of allegiance??? I do not even believe most of them realize we are not a democracy. We are a republic not a democracy i.e., mob rule.
Maybe what is adding to their ignorance in their believing we are a democracy, maybe a result of removing the pledge of allegiance from our schools, as with prayer and morality. They are working in concert with the rest of the satanically influenced Nazi emulating fascist progressive liberal democratic socialist around the world; tirelessly working to promote evil and destroy good and God. These anti-Christ are unable to recognize satan’s control over them and believe they are the greatest, the elite, the only ones capable of making decisions for all of us so called dimwitted deplorables. Fact is we are way out of their ability to even vaguely understand us, let alone govern us. Steven Spielberg’s ET would be a better candidate for government office. I do not think the fictional character could not be more disconnected.
The solution I can see is to get We the People in control of our criminally driven corrupt representatives, by educating the future voters. We cannot expect our criminal satanically influenced representatives to do anything themselves to get corruption out of our house of representatives. Unlike the evil violent Nazi emulating progressive socialist democrats we will not use violence of any type or manor except for defense. As they do when they send forth their foot soldiers, the organization antifa is no different than the original NAZI, National Socialist German Workers’ Party of 1928 ran by Adolf Hitler. Note: ANTIFA means anti Father not anti-fascist and has been around for a long time (Hitler’s brown shirts).
I call for help from anywhere by anyone willing to help, we need to put forth a motion, a new law to be passed by the citizens in a vote by We the People bypassing our criminal representatives; It is the only way to get control back in our hands. Let’s work together and stop these Godless criminals from their seemingly endless goal of corrupting and driving God from the entire world (One world order anyone). The world economy is more intertwined and entangled than most would believe. The so called New Green Deal pushed by the nastiest Nazi emulating hate-mongers is designed to break our free market economy and it is a world tax and has nothing to do with the climate, as was admitted to by one that helped devise the evil new world order scheme Saikat Chakrabarti.
As you can see throughout the bible the mob is always wrong, I’ll just call one example to mind, crucify Him, as in Mark 15:13. True science is always against the ignorant group think horde and cannot be denied. It is like some kind of new math where 1+1≠2. These ignorant simple-minded fools actually have convinced themselves that carbon dioxide (the life blood of the planet) is pollution??? God said there would always be climate change Genesis 8:22. Bring on global warming and let the world grow green, healthy, and rich with life sustaining nourishment; As it was long ago. Global cooling would be the real killer as cyclical weather history always shows. So, the worse we are doing if we are contributing to global warming is delaying the ice age that we are late for. Unfortunately, satan’s minions have made it nearly impossible to get real un-compromised data concerning climate change. Reason being, it would tarnish their attempt for this extravagant world tax/theft and administrative bureaucratic power grab.
If you want to fix gun violence you must address the cause. College professors conditioning our youth to be miserable socialist with nothing to hope for and without God they only have a dark desolate future. They are taught they are less than and nothing more than soulless animals without any hope of the afterlife.
We can regain our control by not allowing those elected that own companies or other monetary producing entities, by not be allowing them to access those profits until their service in an elected office are fulfilled and complete. These business accounts need to be monitored for lobbyist payoffs that are above the entities natural earning potential. They should have a personal account during the time of their service that would be transferred to their personal account when their service is complete.
The current dysfunctional system is designed and functions on an extortion model. Currently the administrative bureaucracy governing the political parties must receive payola in-order for them to be able to play a representative of the people. The payola goes up dramatically if they want to head or be considered for a committee position. Our government is an example of a perfectly orchestrated extortion racket; the envy of the corrupt world. That explains how an unqualified failed play writer came to head the intelligence committee??? Does this fact concern anyone else? Why did we allow it to get this bad? It shouldn’t be possible for our representatives to win an election as a representative that pays say $100,000 a year and leave office a multi-millionaire. Shame on us for letting are congress devolve into the stinking God and country hating administrative swamp that it has become.
All politicians that have say a salary of around $100,000 a year and leave office worth millions, are criminals and needs to be investigated. All those that are in office and fall into this category are guilty and must be investigated and impeached if found guilty. This must include all congressional members and leaders in all three executive branches. Also, they must be required to pass a test on the Constitution of the United States of America, to establish that they know what they are swearing to uphold. (The first kings of Israel were required to hand copy the Pentateuch; so, they knew the contents and meaning of the laws from God without any excuses.)
Hopefully these with the honest calling to serve as a representative of the people will be taught by real professors and not ignoramuses like the ones the idiotic dumb-o-crats had in their ridiculous impeachment by the imbeciles, as seen on TV. Obviously, our Congress of today is totally ignorant of the Constitution and apparently the professors teaching the constitution they swore to uphold or are just evil and the average member of our populous seem too ignorant or too lazy or stupid to care to catch them in their ignorance or intentional illiteracy. We the People are the only ones that can get control of them.
I am a Christian and am compelled to try and do something about all the evil hypocrisies committed by the fascist Nazi emulating progressive dimocratic socialist and hypochristians. I am not a literary major or a professional writer. I am a structural designer so please forgive any literary blunders in my writings. On the other side, maybe the impeachment charade is a good thing. It keeps these simpleton squabbling children from legislating more senseless bureaucracies that always equal another tax or fee out of our pockets and into their pockets.
If you ever doubted that God is real, I would direct you to Isaiah 3:4-5; This undeniably prophecy is being fulfilled in plain sight for all to see now today. It states your leaders in the end times will have the minds and maturity of small children. We shouldn’t allow these dysfunctional irrational childish elitist ideologs to pass laws that govern us; let alone government altering bureaucracies. Only a truly indoctrinated fool would actually vote for a toddler to rule them. Congress has been reduced to nothing more than senseless children fighting in the sand box. I mean come on God serving Christians wake-up.
They always without fail accuse others of their crimes; even when they are in the process of committing said crime boldly in your face as you are watching them commit the crime. Likewise, they always put what they wish to abuse in the names of their scams. Remember affordable healthcare; how about recently the no malarkey tour with the swamp creature Biden, it actually means pure unrelenting bulls**t. Contradictorily, it wouldn’t occur to those without deceitful spirits. Example: If an honest Christian was to have a “No Malarkey” tour it would mean absolutely no bulls**t.
Keep this in mind; Taxes are the involuntary removal aka theft of our hard-earned money and a form of control. Aren’t we sick and tired of people stealing are hard earned money and using it in the most un-Godly and wasteful ways they can find? They certainly are not representing us. I do believe I’ve heard something about taxation without representation once before in our history. No states, cities, municipalities or schools/indoctrination centers should receive our stolen taxes in anyway from the federal government; if they cannot uphold federal laws and or any governing rules. Maybe that is why true history isn’t taught in our schools anymore, so we will be forces to relive lessons not learned from history.
Our Republic and our free market capitalism are the only system in the world that must cater to all the people in-order to survive; it WORKS so well it took a young country consisting of a handful of 13 colonies and turned it into the worlds superrest power in less than 200 years. If Our children are being taught that our republic is a failed experiment; how dumb or wicked must our representatives and teachers be to call a government that has proven itself by turning a handful of Christian colonies into a super world power in less than 200 years a failed experiment?
Our representatives are like giving a child an unlimited amount of money and credit and turning them loose in a toy/candy store. These thieves with the maturity of maybe a 5-year-old child (I apologize to the 5-year old’s that know better), think we are okay with them stilling our money and spending it on the biggest absurdity they can find (climate change anyone). The earth produces massive more C02 than we can even comprehend. What are they going to do plug all the vulcanos on the planet?
I must have been taught wrong in my history class. I was taught that our government had to take a portion of our paycheck because they needed income taxes as a temporary measure in-order to fund the civil war. Thieves only want more and more; they never have enough or are responsible enough to do with what they have. Thieves always take they never give back what they steal. In other words, they will never return taxes like a tax cut they will only justify needing more the current democratic party of today. Even if they take it all and then some.
Think about it, all the democratic fanatics running for president today want to steal your money and give it to illegal criminals or spend it extremely irresponsibly, just like immature children with found money. I wouldn’t have a problem with giving, to a mature government that only ask for what they need and use it in ways to get the most out of it in positive Godly or good ways.
Our founders were smart, they learned from the past and developed a new government and economic system that would be held to accountability by We the People. So why have we neglected our civic duties and allowed it to get this bad. The solution to removing corruption from our House of Representatives is quite simple; no representative in our government should or would be able to profit more than their salary pays during their tenure. This would make it a job for those who are called to serve. It would eliminate the desire for the mammon worshiper’s, those that are running with the desire to extort other countries and our own citizens to get rich.
We have democratic candidates that simply do not understand taxes do not belong to them. Rightly they simply cannot do as they please with our money. Back when the religious leaders were the government and the welfare system; God told them they were not allowed to take more than 10%. Meaning our government must not take more than 10% of our subsistence and stay in those bounds. No-one rich or poor should pay no more than 10% tax to their government; any more than 10% is stealing biblically. 10% of all that is earned is the actual finite Gross Domestic Product of our country period; our government biblically taking more is larceny. Also, I’ll add healthcare is not a right. If health insurance wasn’t legal the cost would be more realistic and doctors would still be making house calls and actually get to know and care about their patients. That is how competition works in a free market.
Note: historically, the democratic party was established in-order to protect slavery, support oppression and civil rights violations. Didn’t the democratic elitist establish urban-centers in the cities to keep the riffraff corralled, making it easier for the democrats to keep them under control (racism supreme). It is funny to me, that the racist people pushing for a no white United States of America are upset because there were not any black or other races stupid enough to get invited to the make a fool of themselves in the show impeachment trial. Whereas I’m ashamed of my Caucasian race that only they were stupid enough to allow themselves to make complete fools of themselves in the stupid Schiff show. How stupid are you? Did you fall for it?
When are the “minority races” in the United States of America going to stop letting the dumb-o-crats make them out to be poor me baby victims? Especially the great black Americans race. We are Americans no matter what we look like. I have never understood the term African American or Mexican American…; wouldn’t that mean dual citizenship? Letting them call you anything other than an American implies there is a division. We can never be equal until we stop labeling each other. We are not a this American or a that American We are the People of the United States of America.
I have black American friends but they are citizens of the United States of America and hold no allegiance to Africa. Instead of letting democrats that are truly vile hateful stupid people that are guilty of your oppression and continue to control you in this country. Stand up and tell them we are not your victims. Stop letting these wicked ideolog people claim math as being racist; instead make them teach you math. Are you okay with those truly imprudent elitists telling you, your entire races are too stupid to learn math if you’re not white? I have never heard a more racist statement. I have to wonder what my advanced college math professor would have thought about this? He was without a doubt one of the smartest and most respected instructors I have ever had. He would run circles around the smartest idiots that think math is too hard for his race; let alone being one of the best math professors I’ve ever seen and had the honor of being taught by. He always made it seem so simple that everyone in my class felt stupid by comparison.
I would suggest, get your kids out of the self-destructive activities and get back into serving God and push self-worth, responsibility and discipline. Treat all others as you would treat yourselves despite their pigmentation. I’ve recently heard (I do not remember were) the try the shoe on the other foot theory. Meaning do not judge without putting yourself in their position and understand if your judgements or actions are fair or not. I’ve always heard it like do not judge someone without walking three miles in their moccasins. Oops I guess now I’ll be labeled a racist, I said moccasins. I’m not concerned only those with evil little minds of disruption would find that statement racist.
Martin Luther King’s message was colorblind, he understood all men are created no one better than the other under the laws of man and God. Only under the belief in Darwinism could there be a superior race. I guess that points out is a major flaw in the evolution argument, fact is that if it were true it would be unending (how many intermediate species have you seen lately). There are many different races around this world and God said this is good. God had to choose one race for the office of Savior to pass through. So, I guess the problems Israel is having is because other races are are jealous? There are differences between all of us even if we have the same skin pigmentation, these differences include the physical, mental and cultural and are a good thing. Also, we are not to mix races; mixing races is perversion of God laws and is translated as bastard in the bible. The races as we are making the world complete and well-rounded again as we are. Notice these attributes mentioned are not confined to pigmentation. The only exception is the sexes; baring birth defects there are only two and doctors cannot change it; they can only disguise. Also, attempting to do so is the height of perversion of God’s natural order.
Let’s stop satan from pitting us against each other for this that and the other and except our differences in love and respect, their strength covers our weakness making the whole mighty. Diversity makes us stronger when we recognize the strengths and differences in each other and embrace them, that is when we are at are best as a God reverencing diverse nation. Do not let the wicked tear us apart by making all of us victims. The devil gets to do as he pleases and run roughshod over us when we are all poor me baby victims.
We are witnessing the new socialist fascist movement of oppression and hatred, the Nazi’s of the 21st century. If left unchecked and allowed to continue, they will and are currently working on Israeli genocide just as Hitler had attempted in the past. These evil ideologs under satan’s control share the same ideology as the Nazi’s only worse with the addition of other races as well as any who oppose them in their own race.
I am a Christian that means I judge a tree by the fruit it produces. Those that cannot learn from history are condemned to relive it. The begging question here is, what does this fact say about those that actually voted for these hateful modern equivalents of the Nazi’s of the last century? What is going to happen if we true Christians continue with our doormat philosophy and allow them to be the majority that controls us all. Our 1st freely elected out spoken socialist will be our last free election (Venezuela anyone).
Are you as sick and tiered as I am at listening to truly stupid media reporters and government employees call stupider people genius??? Sorry Dumb-a-crat’s or if you prefer Hypo-crat’s like AOC (whom is too dense to comprehend and follow Kraft mac & cheese cooking instructions, Also, as seen on TV) and the rest of the God, Country and Earth hating Nazi emulating fascist progressive democratic socialist party. The House of Representative and the news media are auditioning for the starring roles in the next dumb and dumber movie. How ridiculous are these people telling us how smart these truly stupid to the core squabbling children running our congress are? Please drain the swamp President Trump.
Let’s have a legitimate impeachment; lets impeach the socialist/fascist leaders of our congress for world corruption and extortion. Seriously though, unlike President Trumps impeachment, I’m sure there are many legitimate reasons to impeach most of our current representatives. Biden is on tape confessing to extortion, one down.
They believe we the people cannot read a simple phone call transcript and understand it all by ourselves. Instead, they have to put us through end endless barrage of truly senseless people having to explain it to us. Isn’t it interesting that they cannot read or comprehend it themselves and yet they feel compelled to explain it to us simpletons? How unbelievably condescending these wicked workers of the devil himself are? Adam Schiff (a failed playwriter heading our intelligence???) actually read a parody of the call in the House. How un-stately and offensive that had to be? And believe it or not the truly idiotic still believe the parody over the actual transcripts of the actual call.
I watched an old movie that had a quote that I never truly understood until now, “my mama said, stupid is as stupid does”. How stupid are we to allow an impeachment trial on the greatest president in our lifetime, for having an extremely outstanding performance on all fronts; causing the United States of America to be the envy of the entire world. Hongkong, Iran… wants what we have now. Not what the satanic serving socialist want us to be (Venezuela anyone). Can we set-up an exchange program to swap those that want to live in a socialist country with those that want to live in a free country? Sounds like it would be a win win situation for our country and legal immigration.
Why is there no accountability for our failed ideological media/propogandist that follow their mentor’s teachings Tokyo Rose and Hanoi Hanna to perform in our societies best interest? It has become nearly impossible to know if our media is telling the truth or if they are twisting the truth or soothsaying the end of the world for their vile satanically influenced ideologies (new world order). Why are lies and falsified truth and fictitious so-called facts allowed to influence our future and destroy all the good works that are done in this world? They will always come up with another end of world scam, remember the hole in the ozone. The world has been ending for one reason or another every ten years since I’ve been alive.
The media and our false representatives get away with this because they have been taught if you repeat a lie often enough (no matter how ridiculous) the simple minded (us in their simplistic minds) will begin to believe it. How stupid are you? Can someone make unsubstantiated accusations to you and you believe it without fact or proof of the matter. Fact, accusations without substance are instantly dismissed by a halfway intelligent person trained in critical thought or anyone possessing common sense.
It is a crime to have someone intentionally slander others with character assassinations and unfounded rhetoric. If someone like me or you were to engage in trying to destroy someone like they do daily we would more than likely end up in jail or at the least have an injunction placed on us and if we continued jail. Why is our childish absurdly out of control media allowed to hurt people unchecked? How many people are they responsible for that have been damaged or have died because of them pushing their evil ideologies, rhetoric, incompetence and hate mongering? Why are they not held accountable and get a free pass by us? Those responsible obviously cannot believe in our God. They have put themselves in danger of the second death. God will hold them accountable for all the people they have led astray.
Food for thought, with the evil law of precedence utilized by our judicial system; that the Tyrannical Fascist Progressives Socialist use to change the meaning of our laws to fit their narrative. Just think about the long-term consequences from what our failed congress is setting. They have delegated their job of legislating to the courts and turned their attention on bureaucracies (Great Example: Affordable Health Care Act) that can be interpreted any way the courts see fit. Look at all the work they have done since before 1970. You’ll be hard pressed to find a clearly understood law; what you’ll find instead is a bunch of convoluted bureaucracies. Most of which are designed to destroy our constitutional government; by destroying the separations of powers and replacing it with non-elected administrators. They are tirelessly working for the destruction of our Christian nation and all that is good and Holy in this world.
It doesn’t seem that long ago that people had to prove their aptitude in-order to get a job and emotions didn’t play a part. Recently, I seen a pole showing that more than 50% of democrats would vote for Michelle Obama if she decided to run for president. Why, what qualifications could she possibly have that would make her qualified to head the greatest country on the planet? Being a student of logical thought, the fact they would vote for her tells me instantly that 50% of democrats are not qualified to make good decisions for themselves let alone for the rest of us. Her husband wasn’t qualified look back at the damage he caused to our country and how about the world mockery he made of our great country. I’ve never been so embarrassed and ashamed for our country as when he went on his apologize for the USA world tour. He actually humbled and humiliated our country and himself by bowing to the king of one of our deadliest Middle Eastern enemies. He bowed to the king of the country whose citizens took down the twin towers and killed 2,977 of our United States of America citizens. And I’m not going to mention the unending list of damage he caused to this country and the world.
Obviously, we are getting to critical mass in satan’s works at destroying our country by indoctrinating our children. Look how close Hillary was to winning the last election. Scary! Anyone that is that stupid, to allow their emotions trump their intellect are too ill-advised to be allowed to vote and it goes without saying governing. No one should be allowed to vote until after they have grown and matured to a point of being able to make decisions that are not detrimental to their own wellbeing, say around the mid 30’s for most, that seems to be around the time wisdom begins to kick in. Of course, that would make satan’s job harder; meaning evil will be trying to get the voting age down to 12 or 13 more than likely. The younger the voter the easier to manipulate them, due to a lack of experience and wisdom and their natural know it all one up man ship. They also are pushing for voters not have to identify themselves; because it makes it easier to commit fraud and that is really all they have. A dumb-o-crat without moral guidance just needs to go from one precinct to another, it also allows illegal immigrants to vote without complication.
Also, we must not allow the graduates from pompous elitist anti-Christ indoctrination centers such as Harvard, Yale, Stanford and so on, be allowed to serve in any governmental capacity. I say this because we are dealing with multi generations of elitist and the majority will only serve and cater to the elitist not We the People. These elitists have proven they cannot relate to or even comprehend normal. If you cannot or are incapable of understanding how can you govern?
No schools that have courses in any sort activism should be receiving my stolen tax, they must not receive tax funding at all. As a tax payer I find it irresponsible and immoral to steal my money and support the pure evil fascist progressive left aka Nazi emulating democratic God hating socialist. I do believe I’ve heard something about taxation without representation once before in our history. Maybe that is why true American History isn’t taught in schools anymore, so we will be forces to relive lessons not learned from history. Most people coming out of these schools have been taught and actually believe they are so far above the rest of us deplorables that we deplorables couldn’t possibly understand the depth of their intellect. Therefore, the rest of us are privileged to have them rule us deplorable smelly idiots (sarcasm).
There shall be false profits and antichrist that come in my name. We actually have a sodomite-antichrist that professes himself as an evangelist, that promotes Molechism(sacrificing your own child to the god of personal pleasure or prosperity) the premeditated murder of our children as birth control running for president. Abortion is murder of an actually blameless and innocent soul. Attention future parents and please take note: Abortion as birth control because you got yourself inconveniently pregnant is premeditated murder and you will be judged for the murder of you own child. Imagine that, you must stand before God and beg Him not to abort you, after you aborted yours, a soul entrusted to you by God; a precious soul that God entrusted you to take care of. You have heard it said “judge a tree by its fruit” This is a truly evil and vile generation. The rest of them are just as wicked. They’ve basically plagiarized the Russian constitution and want us to be Venezuela.
Unfortunately, this same perverted view is shared by the rest of the un-Godly anti-Christ socialist running for president. The somite anti-Christ running for president actually is professing himself as an evangelist and presumes to speak for God (remember Job’s fourth friend?). There is a much healthier and safer form of birth control; other than sacrificing your own child, it is called keeping it in your pants and your legs closed. Save yourselves male and female for your future mate without defilement. That strange notion is called monogamy and a very special bond will be made between the couple that saves themselves for each other, that the promiscuous can never know or even understand.
Their new false god they worship is called climate change; it is setting the stage for the return of their true false god the raiser of taxes. With that said, this essay/rant is not to try and change their minds or save their decrepit satan serving souls. I’m writing this in the hopes of opening up the eyes and getting GOD’s election and the kings of the nation’s His Ministers of Fire chosen before the foundations of this Earth age to wake up and get involved.