
Quick facts:  Joe Biden has been touted as the faith leader for the democratic party by the DNC.  Joe Biden refers to his god as “the thing you know the thing man”.  Joe Biden is an advocate pushing the satanic premeditated murder of unborn children as birth control;  The only truly innocent soul, that has never had an opportunity to sin!

I’m putting this on the site because I never have gotten to talk to anyone about this; have you ever thought about how God describes Himself: I Am That I Am – I Am Alpha & Omega the Beginning & the End. Being a visual thinker, it is quit entertaining to think about. Let me try and describe; It starts with a point going back around to the point again like a circle that’s not round and with infinite shape something like a sphere but not with infinite shape and that point we started at is the same as all points along the way, both ends center and all in between. The same with time if the last second of eternity falls there is no first second every in existence to start the clock. How can this be? I have to imagine distortions through multiple dimensions of time and space, as the same… Ahh!!!

I guess the easiest way to describe God the way I understand in the simplest terms would be to imagine the infinite universe as an entity. Just like us. Now imagine the probiotic bacteria in your stomach became self-aware; that’s us. God would be the soul of the infinite universe. He Is What He Is or Whatever He Wants to Be.

Keep this fact in mind at all times, we are still in the war satan started with God; the controversy is covered completely and you can read about his fall from being the cherub that protected the mercy seat in Ezekiel chapter 28.  I’ll have a complete study of Ezekiel on this site hopefully in the near future, God willing.  We must be mindful of the horns of power satan utilizes to control populous.  How stupid has our society become were the youth of this great country start joining a fascist terror organization?  This organization antifa is no different than the original NAZI, National Socialist German Workers’ Party of 1928 ran by Adolf Hitler.  Note: ANTIFA means anti Father not anti-fascist and has been around for a long time.  Their rock is not our immovable unblemished Rock you can learn of their rock satan and his fall from being the protective cherub in Ezekiel 28.  The devil thinks he can overcome our true God and become a god by dismissing God’s truth and replacing it with his own; satan believes he will win because he thinks none of us will be left in God’s corner after the totality of the fight.  Kind of like the satanically controlled progressive left terror organization is doing to our world today.  At this time, it does seem as though they are winning.

Christians are not doormats let’s stop allowing people to walk all over us and destroy our country.  Especially those that claim to be Christians and work against God.  Throw all those translations of translations of the bible away and get back to the manuscripts; and see what God has to say and what He expects from us.  As an English speaker without the ability to read ancient Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic getting back to the Masoretic manuscripts compiled and locked with the Masoretic notes by Ezra and Nehemiah can be accomplished with the use of a King James bible and a Strong’s concordance. 

The Masora manuscripts has been locked with notations from Ezra and Nehemiah that makes it nearly impossible to take out of context or change the real Word of God.  I understand that the old English style of the 1611 bible can be hard to read; but with the combined use of King James bible and a Strong’s concordance you can get back to the original manuscripts.  With that said, if you use an inferior translation of translations and check them against a King James and a James Strong’s concordance, you’ll be just fine.  I would suggest a Strong’s concordance preferably dated before the digital age, because it is hard to find one that hasn’t been corrupted by some satanically influenced idiot that think they are smarter than James Strong.  They are tirelessly working to eliminate references to satan and homosexuality from the text.  I do not know how they can get away with altering the book and keeping the name.  If they were truly better than James Strong, why do they try and trick us by keeping his name, a proven name to trust?

I personally would use a James Moffett bible if I needed a more modern easier to read translation or to check against the King James bible.  The James Moffett bible was a retranslation from the Masora.  The only thing is, he didn’t use the Sacred Names of God in his translation.  He actually wrote an apology for the scholars for not using the sacred names; because of the times he translated it in the late 19th and early 20th century’s, he didn’t think using the sacred names would be excepted at that time.  The majority of people back then, thought the King James bible was IT. 

A great advantage with the James Moffett bible is that it corrects many mistakes in the King James bible.  It is not necessary to have a James Moffett translation because the Strong’s Concordance easily identifies King James bible mistakes.  My personal favorite King James study bible is the Companion Bible compiled by E. W. Bullinger it calls out any translation errors in the side column.  The Companion Bible also calls the sacred Names of God to your attention and points out the significance in the differences.  It has an appendix in the back that explains this in detail.  The outlines of the books in the Companion Bible help keep the subject prominent and the appendixes in the back are pure gold.  The outlines can help you stay on track and keep the subject.  God willing, I hope to eventually get a book scanner and will be able to attach my entire library for everyone to review and study with.   

I’m throwing out this webpage as a fleece before the LORD in-order to try and point out how satan uses ignorant arrogant narcissists in concert around the world in an attempt to develop a one world GOD eliminating people oppressing government.  My thoughts have been going in this direction for a long time.  I was fired from BMC as a truss design engineer; because I sent out an email reminding all Christians to remember to keep the Lord in Christmas.  They told me I had to give up my religious freedom by not allowing me to communicated about Christmas to my fellow Christians on Christmas if I wanted to keep my job.  I will not deny my LORD for no one or anything.  As I was looking for another job, I was contacted by a recruiter.  He said he was a devout Christian.  He started quoting scripture and I asked “I’m sorry but I’m unfamiliar with that verse, can you tell me where to find it?  He said you know it is from the song”.  So, I decided to take my destiny into my own hands and I started my own business so I wouldn’t be working for people that hate God and are actively working to get rid of God altogether (even from so called devout Christians).  Sorrowfully, they do not even realize they are actively working for satan.  I actually believe that working and helping a company that is actively working against God is the same as wishing them God speed; like donating to a satanic church of everlasting eternal death.     

I am trying to showcase the satanic absurdly out of control politically correct WOKE movement and the new religion taught in school known as CLIMATE CHANGE.  Keep in mind I’m not against being a good steward of the land, as God tells us to be.  Climate change is setting the stage for the one that heals the deadly wound… the raiser of taxes

I would like to get a book scanner so I can attach my entire biblical library so others can study in depth using the resources I’ve collected over the years.  I would also like to have another section for answers to questions from God’s letter He had written to us all.  An example of the types of questions and answers page would be for questions such as “When according to the bible does life begin?” and such; Also, another section devoted to broken down studies of books from the bible.

I believe God’s spirit is moving and stirring people’s souls.  I was so excited when Kanye West made the statement, “Now I’ve got the ultimate security guard and that’s GOD”.  I believe that he can be an outstanding evangelist reaching hundreds of starving souls that wouldn’t give someone like me the time of day.  Keep this in mind the famine of the end times is not for food but for the true Word of God.    

How long can we survive being our schools and our government have been infiltrated by antichrist.  Schools have become the enemy of the country’s best interest by teaching lies and working to establish a one world government ruled by the elite.  Schools reward failure and laziness and tirelessly work to destroy exceptionalism and heterosexuality in our children.   Example: history shows time and time again that God hating socialism doesn’t work and yet our children are being brainwashed to embrace socialism.  Our young our future as a nation come out of the modern public and higher educational systems dumbed down below a third world country and are unable to do basic skills required to compete and excel in this world.  We are witnessing the decline and fall of the USA if we Christians keep sitting on our hands and acting like doormats.